Source: index.js

 * Copyright 2019-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
'use strict'

 * RuntimeEnvChecker:
 * this module exports some useful generic functions
 * for checks of some environment properties as runtime.

const semver = require('semver')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')

/** Get the host name where this code is runninng */
const hostname = os.hostname()

/** Get the process id (pid) where this code is runninng */
const pid = require('process').pid

/** Get the list of engines needed, if specified in 'package.json' */
const engines = require('../package.json').engines

/** Get the number of available CPU */
const { cpus } = require('os')

 * Checker for Runtime Environment properties.
 * Note that all methods here are static, so no need to instance this class;
 * see it as an Utility/Companion class.
class RuntimeEnvChecker {
   * Create a new instance of a RuntimeEnvChecker class.
   * Note that instancing is not allowed for this class because all its methods are static.
   * @throws {Error} because instancing not allowed for this class
  constructor () {
    throw new Error('Instancing not allowed for this class')

   * Utility method that get some process-related info
   * and wraps them into an object.
   * @static
   * @return {object} the object representation of process-related info data
  static processInfo () {
    return {

   * Utility method that get some info
   * about memory (total, available) and wraps them into an object.
   * @static
   * @return {object} the object representation of some memory-related info
  static memoryInfo () {
    return {
      total: os.totalmem(),
      free: os.freemem()

   * Tell if the given argument is defined and not null.
   * @static
   * @param {object} arg the object to check
   * @return {boolean} true if defined and not null, false otherwise
  static isDefinedAndNotNull (arg) {
    return (arg !== undefined && arg !== null)

   * Tell if the given argument is defined and not null,
   * is a string and is not empty.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isDefinedAndNotNull}.
   * @static
   * @param {object} arg the object to check
   * @return {boolean} true if it's a not empty string, false otherwise
  static isStringNotEmpty (arg) {
    return ((RuntimeEnvChecker.isDefinedAndNotNull(arg) &&
      (typeof arg === 'string') &&
      (arg.length > 0))

   * Tell if the given argument is defined and not null,
   * and is a boolean.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isDefinedAndNotNull}.
   * @static
   * @param {object} arg the object to check
   * @return {boolean} true if it's a boolean, false otherwise
  static isBoolean (arg) {
    return (RuntimeEnvChecker.isDefinedAndNotNull(arg) &&
      (typeof arg === 'boolean')

   * Tell if the environment variable with the given name
   * is defined and has a value.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty}.
   * @static
   * @param {!string} name the name to check
   * @return {boolean} true if it's defined and has a value, false otherwise
  static isEnvVarDefined (name) {
    return RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(process.env[name])

   * Tell if the current Node.js environment is production.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isEnvVarDefined}.
   * @static
   * @return {boolean} true if it's production, false otherwise
  static isNodeEnvProduction () {
    const nodeEnv = RuntimeEnvChecker.getNodeEnv()
    return (RuntimeEnvChecker.isEnvVarDefined('NODE_ENV') &&
      nodeEnv === 'production')

   * Utility method that tell if the given version is compatible
   * with the expected version (using then semver syntax).
   * @static
   * @param {!string} version the version to check (as a string)
   * @param {!string} expectedVersion the expected version for the comparison (as a semver string)
   * @return {boolean} true if version is compatible with the given constraint, otherwise false
   * @throws {Error} if at least an argument is wrong
  static isVersionCompatible (version, expectedVersion) {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(version) && RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(expectedVersion)) {
      return semver.satisfies(version, expectedVersion)
    return false

   * Ensure that the given argument is a not empty string.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty}.
   * @static
   * @param {object} arg the object to check
   * @param {string} name the name to use in generated error (if any), empty name as default
   * @return {boolean} true if it's a not empty string
   * @throws {Error} if it's an empty string or it's null or undefined
  static checkStringNotEmpty (arg, name = '') {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(arg) !== true) {
      let msg
      if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(name)) {
        msg = `RuntimeEnvChecker - the string '${name}' must be not empty`
      } else {
        msg = 'RuntimeEnvChecker - the string var/const must be not empty'
      throw new Error(msg)
    return true

   * Ensure that the given environment variable is defined and has a value.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isEnvVarDefined}.
   * @static
   * @param {string} name the name of the variable to check
   * @return {boolean} true if it's defined and has a value
   * @throws {Error} if it's not defined or does not have a value
  static checkEnvVarDefined (name) {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isEnvVarDefined(name) !== true) {
      let msg
      if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(name)) {
        msg = `RuntimeEnvChecker - the env var '${name}' must be defined and not empty`
      } else {
        msg = 'RuntimeEnvChecker - the env var must be defined and not empty'
      throw new Error(msg)
    return true

   * Ensure that the current Node.js environment is production.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isEnvVarDefined}.
   * @static
   * @return {boolean} true if it's a not empty string
   * @throws {Error} if it's not production
  static checkNodeEnvProduction () {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isNodeEnvProduction() !== true) {
      throw new Error(`RuntimeEnvChecker - Node.js environment is '${RuntimeEnvChecker.getNodeEnv()}' and not 'production'`)
    return true

   * Utility method that check if the given version is compatible
   * with the given expected version (using then semver syntax).
   * @static
   * @param {!string} version the version to check (as a string)
   * @param {!string} expectedVersion the expected version for the comparison (as a semver string)
   * @return {boolean} true if version matches
   * @throws {Error} if at least an argument is wrong
   * @throws {Error} if versions does not matches
   * @see isVersionCompatible
  static checkVersion (version, expectedVersion) {
    RuntimeEnvChecker.checkStringNotEmpty(version, 'version')
    RuntimeEnvChecker.checkStringNotEmpty(expectedVersion, 'expectedVersion')
    const compatible = RuntimeEnvChecker.isVersionCompatible(version, expectedVersion)
    if (compatible !== true) {
      throw new Error(`RuntimeEnvChecker - found version '${version}', but expected version '${expectedVersion}'`)
    return true

   * Utility method that check if the given Node.js version is compatible
   * with the given expected version (using then semver syntax),
   * usually read from a specific field in 'package.json'.
   * @static
   * @param {string} version the version to check (as a string), by default current Node.js version
   * @param {string} versionExpected the expected version for the comparison (as a semver string), by default current value for 'node', under 'engines' in 'package.json' (if set)
   * @return {boolean} true if version matches, false if one of versions is null
   * @throws {Error} if at least an argument is wrong
   * @throws {Error} if versions are comparable but does not matches
   * @see checkVersion
  static checkVersionOfNode (
    version = process.version,
    versionExpected = engines.node
  ) {
    return RuntimeEnvChecker.checkVersion(version, versionExpected)

   * Utility method that check if the given NPM version is compatible
   * with the given expected version (using then semver syntax),
   * usually read from a specific field in 'package.json'.
   * @static
   * @param {string} version the version to check (as a string), default null
   * @param {string} versionExpected the expected version for the comparison (as a semver string), by default current value for 'npm', under 'engines' in 'package.json' (if set)
   * @return {boolean} true if version matches, false if one of versions is null
   * @throws {Error} if at least an argument is wrong
   * @throws {Error} if versions are comparable but does not matches
   * @see checkVersion
  static checkVersionOfNpm (
    version = null,
    versionExpected = engines.npm
  ) {
    return RuntimeEnvChecker.checkVersion(version, versionExpected)

   * Ensure that the given argument is a true value.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isBoolean}.
   * @static
   * @param {object} arg the object to check
   * @param {string} name the name to use in generated error (if any), empty name as default
   * @return {boolean} true if it's a true value
   * @throws {Error} if it's a false value or it's null or undefined
  static checkBoolean (arg, name = '') {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isBoolean(arg) !== true || arg !== true) {
      let msg
      if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(name)) {
        msg = `RuntimeEnvChecker - the boolean '${name}' must be true`
      } else {
        msg = 'RuntimeEnvChecker - the boolean var/const must be true'
      throw new Error(msg)
    return true

   * Utility method that gets current NPM version.
   * Note that NPM is executed in a child process (but only to get its version),
   * in a synchronous way.
   * @static
   * @return {string} npm version (as a string) if found, otherwise null
  static getVersionOfNpm () {
    const { execSync } = require('child_process')
    let npmVersion = null
    try {
      npmVersion = execSync('npm -version')
      npmVersion = npmVersion.toString().replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm, '')
    } catch (e) {
      // error running the command, maybe npm not installed or not found
    return npmVersion

   * Utility method that gets the value of Node.js environment variable.
   * @static
   * @return {string} Node.js env var NODE_ENV value (as a string)
  static getNodeEnv () {
    return process.env.NODE_ENV

   * Utility method that returns the number of total CPU available.
   * @static
   * @return {int} the number of available CPU
  static getAvailableCpu () {
    return cpus().length

   * Utility method that returns if current code is running
   * with JavaScript in strict mode (as generally should be now).
   * @static
   * @return {boolean} true if strict mode is enabled
  static isStrictMode () {
    const isStrict = (function () { return !this })()
    return isStrict

   * Ensure that current code is running
   * with JavaScript in strict mode (as generally should be now).
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isStrictMode}.
   * @static
   * @return {boolean} true if strict mode is enabled
   * @throws {Error} if it's a false value or it's null or undefined
  static checkStrictMode () {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStrictMode() !== true) {
      throw new Error('RuntimeEnvChecker - JavaScript strict mode must be enabled')
    return true

   * Utility method that returns if the given source file is running
   * with JavaScript in ES Module.
   * Note that the logic here is approximated and uses:
   * - first the given filename (pass `__filename` to analyze current file where this function is called)
   * - the then given folder name to try to read 'package.json' from there (pass `__dirname` for example)
   * - other simple logic.
   * but in some cases (for example if given both) I don't check here the correctness of both values
   * (for example the given filename could not belong to the given foldername nor its parent,
   * so different rules could be applied by the JavaScript engine, and results here could not be precise).
   * @static
   * @param {string} filename the name of the file to analyze
   * @param {string} foldername the name of the folder where to search the project definition file
   * @return {boolean} true if it seems an ESModule
   * @throws {Error} if both arguments are undefined, null or empty
  static isESModule (filename, foldername) {
    if (!RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(filename) && !RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(foldername)) {
      throw new Error('RuntimeEnvChecker - specify at least filename or foldername')
    let isModule = false
    // console.log(`DEBUG: file:${filename}, folder:${foldername}`)

    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(filename)) {
      const ext = path.extname(filename)
      switch (ext) {
        case '.js':
          // console.log('JS source found, check related "package.json" file for ESModule type')
        case '.cjs':
          // console.log('CommonJS module found')
          return false
          // break
        case '.mjs':
          // console.log('ES module found')
          return true
          // break
          // console.log(`Unable to match module extension for ${ext}`)
          isModule = false

    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(foldername)) {
      // try to read related project definition file and its "type" attribute (if present)
      let projectType
      try {
        projectType = require(`${foldername}/package.json`).type
      } catch (e) {
        // probably file not found, retry with parent folder
        try {
          projectType = require(`${foldername}/../package.json`).type
        } catch (e) {
        // probably file not found, but stop here

      if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isStringNotEmpty(projectType)) {
        // console.log(`Found "package.json" in the given folder (or in its parent), with type attribute value: ${projectType}`)
        switch (projectType) {
          case 'commonjs':
            // console.log('CommonJS module found')
            return false
            // break
          case 'module':
            // console.log('ES module found')
            return true
            // break
            // console.log(`Unable to match module type for ${projectType}`)
            isModule = false

    return isModule

   * Ensure that current code is running
   * with JavaScript as ES Module.
   * See {@link RuntimeEnvChecker.isESModule}.
   * @static
   * @param {string} filename the name of the file to analyze
   * @param {string} foldername the name of the folder where to search the project definition file
   * @return {boolean} true if ES Module is enabled
   * @throws {Error} if it's a false value or it's null or undefined
  static checkESModule (filename, foldername) {
    if (RuntimeEnvChecker.isESModule(filename, foldername) !== true) {
      throw new Error('RuntimeEnvChecker - JavaScript ES Module required')
    return true

module.exports = RuntimeEnvChecker