Source: utility.js

 * Copyright 2018-2022 the original author or authors.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
'use strict'

 * Utility:
 * this module exports some utility functions.
 * @module utility

 * Get a reference to CloudEvent class definition.
 * See {@link CloudEvent}.
 * @private
const CloudEvent = require('./cloudevent')

 * Get a reference to cloudevent class Validator.
 * See {@link Validator}.
 * @private
const V = require('./validator')

 * Create and return a CloudEvent from the given object and options.
 * @param {!object} obj the plain object instance to use (its properties will be used)
 * @param {object} [options={}] optional attributes:
 *        - strict (boolean, default null so no override) to validate it in a more strict way (if null it will be used strict mode in the given event),
 *        - onlyValid (boolean, default false) to return it only if it's a valid instance,
 *        - printDebugInfo (boolean, default false) to print some debug info to the console,
 *        - skipExtensions (boolean, default false) to skip all non-standard (so extensions) properties,
 * @throws {TypeError} if object is not a plain object instance
 * @return {object} the created CloudEvent instance
 * @throws {Error} if object is undefined or null, or an option is undefined/null/wrong, or is not possible to create a CloudEvent instance
function createFromObject (obj = {}, {
  strict = null,
  onlyValid = false,
  printDebugInfo = false,
  skipExtensions = false
} = {}) {
  if (!V.isObjectPlain(obj)) {
    throw new TypeError('The given argument is not an object instance')

  // extensions properties
  let extensions = null
  if (skipExtensions === false) { // get and use extension properties from the given object
    extensions = CloudEvent.getExtensionsOfEvent(obj)
    // note that using that method, extensions always contains at least the strict property,
    // even when not set (so set as false), but do not remove from here
    // to avoid problems when using this factory function
    if (printDebugInfo === true) { // print some debug info
      console.log(`DEBUG | extensions found: ${JSON.stringify(extensions)}`)
  } else {
    if (printDebugInfo === true) {
      console.log('DEBUG | skip extensions')

  // fill a new CludEvent instance with object data
  const ce = new CloudEvent(,
    { // options
      time: obj.time,
      datainbase64: obj.data_base64,
      datacontenttype: obj.datacontenttype,
      dataschema: obj.dataschema,
      subject: obj.subject,
      strict: obj.strict

  if (printDebugInfo === true) {
    console.log(`DEBUG | cloudEvent details: ${JSON.stringify(ce)}`)
    console.log(`DEBUG | ${CloudEvent.dumpValidationResults(ce, { strict }, 'ce')}`)

  // return ce, depending on its validation option
  if ((onlyValid === false) || (onlyValid === true && CloudEvent.isValidEvent(ce, { strict }) === true)) {
    return ce
  } else throw new Error('Unable to return a not valid CloudEvent.')

 * Clone the given CloudEvent in a plain object.
 * Note that depending on the clone method chosen, a shallow clone could be done
 * (usually it is, even for performance reasons),
 * so pay attention using the skipExtensions option in that case.
 * @static
 * @param {!object} event the CloudEvent to clone
 * @param {object} [options={}] optional attributes:
 *        - strict (boolean, default null so no override) to validate it in a more strict way (if null it will be used strict mode in the given event),
 *        - onlyValid (boolean, default false) to return it only if it's a valid instance,
 *        - printDebugInfo (boolean, default false) to print some debug info to the console,
 *        - skipExtensions (boolean, default false) to skip all non-standard (so extensions) properties,
 * @return {object} the event, as a plain object
 * @throws {TypeError} if event is not a CloudEvent instance or subclass
 * @throws {Error} if event is undefined or null, or an option is undefined/null/wrong
function cloneToObject (event = {}, {
  strict = null,
  onlyValid = false,
  printDebugInfo = false,
  skipExtensions = false
} = {}) {
  if (!CloudEvent.isCloudEvent(event)) {
    throw new TypeError(`The argument must be a CloudEvent (or a subclass), instead got a '${typeof event}'`)

  let obj = null
  if ((onlyValid === false) || (onlyValid === true && CloudEvent.isValidEvent(event, { strict, printDebugInfo }) === true)) {
    // implement the clone via destructuring, but at the moment it's a shallow copy (like Object.assign())
    // later check if support more ways, with a dedicated option (to comment in docs)
    obj = { ...event }
  } else throw new Error('Unable to clone a not valid CloudEvent.')

  if (skipExtensions === true) { // delete extension properties from the cloned object
    const extensions = CloudEvent.getExtensionsOfEvent(obj)
    let count = 0
    for (const [key] of Object.entries(extensions)) { // removed value from items because not used
      delete obj[key]
    if (printDebugInfo === true) {
      console.log(`DEBUG | filtered ${count} extensions`)

  if (printDebugInfo === true) {
    console.log(`DEBUG | cloned object: ${JSON.stringify(obj)}`)

  return obj

module.exports = {