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Apache 2.0 License

Logging framework for V.

For changes and release notes, see CHANGELOG.

Setup and run

Get the module via vpm:

v install smartiniOnGitHub.log4v

then use by importing it. Note that some stuff has to be imported from v 'log' module.


Examples can be found it the /examples directory.


Latest V (vlang) stable, or built from latest sources.


Source code is all inside main repo: log4v.

Documentation generated from source code (library API): here.


In the code, there are references to V integrated 'log' module, for better compliance and reuse of existing code.

Current setup (and related commands) are for a Linux system, but can be updated for other platforms (Mac, Windows, etc).


  1. Fork it ( )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Licensed under Apache-2.0.

Constants #

const version = '0.1'

version library version

const messages_buffer_default = 1000

fn format_message_default #

fn format_message_default(name string, s string, level Level) string

format_message_default format the given log name/context name, message s and level level with the log format set in the logger This is default implementation of LogFormatter for Log4v formatter.
inlined for better performances

fn level_from_string #

fn level_from_string(s string) ?Level

level_from_string returns the log level from the given string if matches This function calls 'level_from_tag' in log module, for better compliance and reuse of code.

fn new_log4v #

fn new_log4v() &Log4v

new_log4v create and return a new Log4v instance start must be called manually to let the instance process log messages

fn new_log4v_as_logger #

fn new_log4v_as_logger() (&Logger, thread)

new_log4v_as_logger create, start and return a new mutable Log4v instance, as a generic Logger implementation

fn new_log4v_as_logger_full_start #

fn new_log4v_as_logger_full_start(name string, level Level, formatter LogFormatter, messages_buffer_len int) (&Logger, thread)

new_log4v_as_logger_full_start create, start and return a new mutable Log4v instance, as a generic Logger implementation

fn new_log4v_full #

fn new_log4v_full(name string, level Level, formatter LogFormatter, messages_buffer_len int) &Log4v

new_log4v_full create and return a new Log4v instance by specifying some logger settings start must be called manually to let the instance process log messages

fn new_log4v_full_start #

fn new_log4v_full_start(name string, level Level, formatter LogFormatter, messages_buffer_len int) (&Log4v, thread)

new_log4v_full_start create, start and return a new mutable Log4v instance by specifying some logger settings

type LogFormatter #

type LogFormatter = fn (name string, text string, level Level) string

LogFormatter defines a generic log formatter function

struct Log4v #

struct Log4v {
	formatter LogFormatter = format_message_default
// appender LogAppender[] TODO: ...
	level         Level = .info
	name          string
	ch            chan string
	processed_tot u64

Log4v represents a log manager

fn (Log4v) get_level #

fn (mut l Log4v) get_level() Level

get_level gets the internal logging level

fn (Log4v) set_level #

fn (mut l Log4v) set_level(level Level)

set_level sets the internal logging to level

fn (Log4v) flush #

fn (mut l Log4v) flush()

flush writes the log file content to disk

fn (Log4v) close #

fn (mut l Log4v) close()

close closes log channel and appenders resources

fn (Log4v) close_stop #

fn (mut l Log4v) close_stop(t thread)

close_stop closes log channel and appenders resources and stop processing messages thread and others (if any)

fn (Log4v) start #

fn (mut l Log4v) start()

start get (process) log messages from logger channel and send to all log appenders It must be called asynchronously

fn (Log4v) fatal #

fn (mut l Log4v) fatal(s string)

fatal logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the Level.fatal category Note that this method performs a panic at the end, even if log level is not enabled.

fn (Log4v) error #

fn (mut l Log4v) error(s string)

error logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the Level.error category

fn (Log4v) warn #

fn (mut l Log4v) warn(s string)

warn logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the Level.warn category

fn (Log4v) info #

fn (mut l Log4v) info(s string)

info logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the category

fn (Log4v) debug #

fn (mut l Log4v) debug(s string)

debug logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the Level.debug category

fn (Log4v) trace #

fn (mut l Log4v) trace(s string)

trace logs the given message if Log.level is greater than or equal to the Level.debug category logging level here is the same of debug (a new '.trace' level is not really needed) but note that this function is available only when compiling with the 'debug' flag

fn (Log4v) print_processed_log_messages #

fn (mut l Log4v) print_processed_log_messages()

processed_log_messages return the total number of log messages processed since started but note that this function is available only when compiling with the 'debug' flag