1 Introduction - Reference Documentation
Authors: Sandro Martini
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
This plugin makes it easy to use Akka Actors (both local and remote) from a Grails webapp.All using standard Groovy / Java code.License
Licensed under the terms of the Apache License, Version 2.01.1 History
- July 2014
- release
- Stay on Akka-2.2.4 (aligned with Scala-2.10.2)
- Fix tests with Grails-2.4
- March 2014
- 2.2.4 release
- Updated to Akka-2.2.4 (aligned with Scala-2.10.2)
- Small fixes/improvements
- February 2014
- 2.2.3 release
- Updated to Grails-2.2.4
- Add AkkaService (see Tutorials for more info)
- February 2014
- 0.12.5 release
- Updated to Akka-2.2.3 (aligned with Scala-2.10.2)
- No more needed the Typesafe Maven Repository
- Last release for Grails-2.0.x
- Updated all tests to make it work with Akka-2.2.x
- January 2013
- 0.6.2 release
- Cleanup of plugin (removed unnecessary files, and other small adjustments)
- January 2013
- 0.6.1 release
- Updated Akka to 2.0.5
- November 2012
- 0.6 release
- Updated Akka to 2.0.4
- September 2012
- 0.5 release
- First public version of the plugin, using Akka-2.0.3, and with some basic features
- Advanced features of Akka have not been yet tested/shown here (even under heavy load), but it's in plan for the next release
- In Plugin sources under the test folder there there are some initial unit and integration tests, and an inline test webapp